Rebels Attacks

Yes. Our scout ships have reached Dantooine. They found the remains of a Rebel base, but they estimate that it has been deserted for some time. They are now conducting an extensive search of the surrounding systems. She lied! She lied to us! I told you she would never consciously betray the Rebellion. Terminate her...immediately!
He says the restraining bolt has short circuited his recording system. He suggests that if you remove the bolt, he might be able to play back the entire recording. H'm? Oh, yeah, well, I guess you're too small to run away on me if I take this off! Okay. There you go. Well, wait a minute. Where'd she go? Bring her back! Play back the entire message. What message? The one you're carrying inside your rusty innards! Luke? Luke! Come to dinner! All right, I'll be right there, Aunt Beru. I'm sorry, sir, but he appears to have picked up a slight flutter. Well, see what you can do with him. I'll be right back. Just you reconsider playing that message for him. No, I don't think he likes you at all. No, I don't like you either.
What a piece of junk. She'll make point five beyond the speed of light. She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid. I've added some special modifications myself. We're a little rushed, so if you'll hurry aboard we'll get out of here. Hello, sir. Which way? All right, men. Load your weapons! Stop that ship! Blast 'em! Chewie, get us out of here! Oh, my. I'd forgotten how much I hate space travel.
Let me see your identification. You don't need to see his identification. We don't need to see his identification. These are not the droids your looking for. These are not the droids we're looking for. He can go about his business. You can go about your business. Move along. Move along. Move along.
Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. What's this? What is what?!? He asked you a question... What is that? Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. Oh, he says it's nothing, sir. Merely a malfunction. Old data. Pay it no mind. Who is she? She's beautiful. I'm afraid I'm not quite sure, sir. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi... I think she was a passenger on our last voyage. A person of some importance, sir -- I believe. Our captain was attached to... Is there more to this recording? Behave yourself, Artoo. You're going to get us in trouble. It's all right, you can trust him. He's our new master.
*text from